Saturday, February 8, 2014

[Homework] 2014-02-08

Finished homework for last week.
Jonathan's critics: the snake's color green looks too lonely. Add something green will help.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

2-1-2014 构图

[Annabel 作业点评]画面太空。要完成。
[课堂]ink pen 用线要肯定大胆;长线条,不要描;线条不要乱改。不同texture的线条。线条的方向顺锋逆锋;长短不要一样。要求画面的主次关系;不同的形状;不同的大小,分不同的group大中小;不同方向;构图,摆放好看;value变化。内容:food. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

1-25-2014 Chinese new year creative

Last lesson homework critics:
Marker to color horse.
Green horse: hip too high, looks very proud. Head too big. Color looks good.
Blue horse: dark blue and light blue are too separated. Need to smoothly mixed colors together. Balance.
Standing on two hind legs horse: body looks like two circle, too round. Shape need some fix. Color good.
Legs shape need more observation to draw correctly.