Saturday, January 28, 2012


1/28/2012  Annabel drawing class

Last week homework
- Elephant: 有点花,要突出大象: 大象局部加重颜色

- Other's picture: 
  Other's:  need contract on color, detail, shape, size, decorations

Class:  book cover design 8x8.  No color yet 
Color Reflects motion
Design reflects story type
Need title, publish house, author, slogan

- 8 google contest ideas: travel to history or future
- 1 8x8 pencile book cover, no color yet

Next week:  Oil paste, marker, soft paste, etc.

Monday, January 23, 2012


The color is OK. Red is grayish red. The arrangment of bottles OK. But the focus has problem. The background black line is focused. Need to move focus to front bottles.

Draw an elephant. Color with Oil pastel. Then design with cloth or color paper.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Color is pretty. Different layers of blue sky. Made copy.

Giorgio Morandi.
He was a painting master.
He painted mostly bottles and containers.
Most of his paintings are graying colors.
He was born in Italy.
He arranged the containers differently. Most of them are lined together.

Homework: arrange some bottles and use soft pastel to paint.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Last week homework
- Christmas: Eyes, nose, clothing need detail & darken more
- Favorite picture: Not done
- Journey: good, need modifications
Some views are similar: views far, middle, close;
Similar composition structure; components; objects movement; size; etc

Class:  Chinese dragon
长颈鹿-扁的狗头 猪鼻 牙齿 耳朵 角 须 发 昆虫腹部 蛇身 鱼鳞 鱼尾 鹰爪

- finish dragon drawing
- finish Christmas drawing
- finish favorite drawing
- Chinese new year: art work After idea
       dragon with 2012 or Chinese character or other Chinese elements
- united nation: green community .... Idea x6
- journey continue 

Oil paste, marker, soft paste, etc.