Monday, November 26, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Georges Searot 1859-1891, pointillism, Sunday Afternoon.

Use space for dark or light.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Paul Cezanne: modern art father.
Against perspective. Art related to science, but sometimes against science. 不追求光线颜色的变化,fundamental. 画面有不同的geometry shape, 不同的size, 不同的线条和方向。

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Edgar Degas French artist.

注重素描,线条,古典的,画了许多芭蕾painting, material mostly soft pastel, oil painting. Off center composition, focus off center. Perspective方法 前后; focus 方法,虚实;光线的方法,明暗。

作业:画不同动作的舞蹈人,composition 到一起。 做4个idea. Oil pastel.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

5-5-2012: ink pen - gesture contour

Art for peace 点评: 画面太碎,因为每个image大小一样。

Free draw: 太空,要补做

Gesture contour:画人跳舞的动作。人体的头,肩,脖子,胸,腰,臀,大腿,小腿,上臂,前臂,手掌,手指。外形的contour,轮廓线。肌肉的线条,骨头的构造,骨头的连接,以后学。动态,画出动作来。gesture: use stick line. Contour: 轮廓。

作业:50 gesture, 50 contour.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

[Scan] 2012-04-28

A world without nuclear weapons. A letter to presidents.


Sent with Genius Scan for iPhone.

[Stamp project]

4/28/2012: Annabel finished her stamp project today. In memory of the artist Henri Rousseau.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


2/4/2012  Annabel drawing class

Last week homework:
- book cover:  
Chinese title Need move to top or middle,  enlarge and change shape, like half circle and double line
Must add shadow and background color blue or sky because 
1. The picture is too empty
2. Need show up snowman of light color etc

- Other's pictures:
contracts to focus, 
different layers: image/title/slogan/... & inside image as well
Picture match title
Empty space arrangement
Full is okay too, pay attention to size of all objects, avoid too fuzzy

My magic wand: need magic flying objects curve shape etc
Caterpillar looking for Mom: raise caterpillar head 
The race: car need move
Three friends: different states, flying etc
Swimming contest: choose scene, like diving or swimming

Google contest: 
travel by time machine
Dot line google or own google words (same order)

Modify and color book cover 15 minutes
Study google logo
Google idea

- 8 google contest ideas: travel to history or future
- 1 8x8 pencile book cover, finish

Next week:  Oil paste, marker, soft paste, etc.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


1/28/2012  Annabel drawing class

Last week homework
- Elephant: 有点花,要突出大象: 大象局部加重颜色

- Other's picture: 
  Other's:  need contract on color, detail, shape, size, decorations

Class:  book cover design 8x8.  No color yet 
Color Reflects motion
Design reflects story type
Need title, publish house, author, slogan

- 8 google contest ideas: travel to history or future
- 1 8x8 pencile book cover, no color yet

Next week:  Oil paste, marker, soft paste, etc.

Monday, January 23, 2012


The color is OK. Red is grayish red. The arrangment of bottles OK. But the focus has problem. The background black line is focused. Need to move focus to front bottles.

Draw an elephant. Color with Oil pastel. Then design with cloth or color paper.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Color is pretty. Different layers of blue sky. Made copy.

Giorgio Morandi.
He was a painting master.
He painted mostly bottles and containers.
Most of his paintings are graying colors.
He was born in Italy.
He arranged the containers differently. Most of them are lined together.

Homework: arrange some bottles and use soft pastel to paint.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Last week homework
- Christmas: Eyes, nose, clothing need detail & darken more
- Favorite picture: Not done
- Journey: good, need modifications
Some views are similar: views far, middle, close;
Similar composition structure; components; objects movement; size; etc

Class:  Chinese dragon
长颈鹿-扁的狗头 猪鼻 牙齿 耳朵 角 须 发 昆虫腹部 蛇身 鱼鳞 鱼尾 鹰爪

- finish dragon drawing
- finish Christmas drawing
- finish favorite drawing
- Chinese new year: art work After idea
       dragon with 2012 or Chinese character or other Chinese elements
- united nation: green community .... Idea x6
- journey continue 

Oil paste, marker, soft paste, etc.